主页 > 空气弹簧螺丝之家


130 2023-08-09 01:24





  • 可调节性:空气弹簧可以通过增加或减少空气压力来实现悬挂高度的调节,从而适应不同路况和驾驶需求。
  • 提升舒适性:空气弹簧能够提供更好的减震效果,减少车身的颠簸感,提升乘坐舒适性。
  • 适应性强:无论是长途行驶还是载重时,空气弹簧都能够根据车辆的重量和负荷进行自动调节,保持最佳的悬挂状态。
  • 提高稳定性:空气弹簧可以根据驾驶员的需要,调整车身的倾斜角度,提高车辆的操控稳定性。
  • 延长悬挂寿命:空气弹簧可以减少悬挂系统的负荷,降低悬挂部件的磨损和故障率,延长整个悬挂系统的使用寿命。




  1. 调节乘坐高度:奥德赛改装空气弹簧可以根据驾驶者的需求,调节车身的高度,使乘坐更加方便舒适。
  2. 适应不同路况:无论是城市道路还是崎岖山路,奥德赛改装空气弹簧都能够提供更好的悬挂调节性能,确保驾驶的稳定性和舒适性。
  3. 应对载重情况:奥德赛改装空气弹簧可以根据乘坐人数或者装载物品的重量进行自动调节,保持合适的悬挂高度和硬度,确保驾驶的平稳性。
  4. 齐全的配件:奥德赛改装空气弹簧市场上有多种品牌和型号可供选择,配件齐全,可以根据个人需求选购适合的空气弹簧。



  • 选购合适型号:根据车型和个人需求,选购合适的空气弹簧,确保其能够完全适应奥德赛的悬挂系统。
  • 安装位置:空气弹簧的安装位置通常在原车弹簧的上方,需要拆卸原车弹簧并安装空气弹簧。
  • 安装调试:安装完成后,需要对空气弹簧进行调试,确保悬挂高度和硬度的调节正常。
  • 保养维护:安装完空气弹簧后,需要定期检查和保养,保持悬挂系统的正常工作,延长空气弹簧的使用寿命。



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Odyssey Modified with Air Suspension

The Function and Advantages of Air Suspension

As an important modification component, air suspension plays a crucial role in the vehicle's suspension system. By installing air suspension on an Odyssey, it can provide better suspension adjustment performance and driving comfort, offering a superior driving experience for the driver.

Air suspension is a device that uses air pressure to adjust the height and hardness of the suspension. Compared to traditional vehicle springs, air suspension has several advantages:

  • Adjustability: Air suspension can adjust the suspension height by increasing or decreasing the air pressure to adapt to different road conditions and driving needs.
  • Enhanced Comfort: Air suspension can provide better shock absorption, reduce the body's jolting sensation, and improve the overall ride comfort.
  • Strong Adaptability: Whether on long-distance trips or with heavy loads, air suspension can automatically adjust according to the weight and load, maintaining the optimal suspension state.
  • Improved Stability: Air suspension allows drivers to adjust the body's tilt angle according to their needs, enhancing the vehicle's handling stability.
  • Extended Suspension Lifespan: Air suspension reduces the load on the suspension system, minimizing the wear and failure rate of suspension components, thus extending the overall lifespan of the suspension system.

Applicability of Air Suspension for the Odyssey

The Odyssey is an MPV model primarily targeting families, and its unique design and comfortable riding experience have been widely appreciated by consumers. By modifying the Odyssey with air suspension, the vehicle's suspension performance and driving comfort can be further enhanced.

The applicability of air suspension for the Odyssey is reflected in several aspects:

  1. Adjustable Ride Height: Air suspension for the Odyssey allows drivers to adjust the body's height to facilitate more convenient and comfortable boarding.
  2. Adaptable to Various Road Conditions: Whether driving on city roads or rugged mountain paths, air suspension for the Odyssey can provide superior suspension adjustment performance, ensuring driving stability and comfort.
  3. Handling Different Load Situations: Air suspension for the Odyssey can automatically adjust the suspension height and hardness according to the number of passengers or the weight of loaded items, ensuring a smooth driving experience.
  4. Availability of Accessories: There are various brands and models of air suspension kits available in the market for the Odyssey, providing a wide range of options to suit individual needs.

Installation and Precautions for Air Suspension on the Odyssey

The installation of air suspension on the Odyssey requires a certain level of professional knowledge and skills. It is advisable to have it installed by a professional modification shop or authorized dealership. Here are some important considerations during the installation process:

  • Selecting the Appropriate Model: Choose the right air suspension kit according to the vehicle model and personal requirements, ensuring its complete compatibility with the Odyssey's suspension system.
  • Installation Position: Air suspension is usually installed above the original vehicle springs, requiring the removal of the original springs and fitting of the air suspension components.
  • Installation and Calibration: After installation, proper calibration of the air suspension is necessary to ensure the normal adjustment of suspension height and hardness.
  • Maintenance and Care: After installing air suspension, regular inspections and maintenance should be conducted to keep the suspension system in good working order and prolong the lifespan of the air suspension components.


By modifying the Odyssey with air suspension, it can enhance the vehicle's suspension performance and driving comfort, ultimately improving the overall driving experience of this family-oriented MPV. With the ability to adjust the suspension height and hardness, it can adapt to various road conditions and load situations while providing better stability and comfort for drivers. When installing air suspension, it is essential to choose the appropriate model and have it installed by professionals to ensure installation quality and performance.